What is Radon and Should I test for it?
Radon is a tasteless, colorless odorless gas that can cause a major health concern. Radon is radioactive and comes from a break down of uranium in nearly all soils. According the the Surgeon General it’s second only to smoking as the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.
We recommend all homes in Southeastern Wisconsin be tested for radon. With our service area falling within Zones 1 and 2, testing for radon is an easy decision.
Please visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Interactive map for previous testing results conducted by zip code.
How does radon enter a home and can I fix it?
Radon enters a home through typical cracks and gaps in the home. The EPA recommends mitigation at 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or above. Radon levels below 4 pCi/L can still pose a risk and in many cases may be reduced. Radon mitigation systems do work and can reduce the levels in a home up to 99%.
For further information on radon, please visit the EPA Website.
What we do
We independently test for radon with a continuous radon monitor during real estate transactions, after mitigation, or for your own peace of mind. We do not offer mitigation services to prevent any conflict of interest.
Veterans and First Responders get this FREE with every Residential Inspection for First Responders – Full Package (Proof of Service or Employment Required)
Schedule your radon inspection today!